Tuesday, December 22, 2009
December stuff
5th- Aunty Polly and Uncle Alex's anniversary
11th- Aunty Shona's bday and last day of kura
12th- Uncle Ene and Aunty Kylie got married
19th- Nana Maude arrived from NZ
20th- Aunty Uru and Rion arrived from NZ
21st- Koro Tim's bday
25th-28th- Our whanau is going to the cabin at Moogerah dam with Nana Kim
29th- Back to work for Mum:(
31st- NYE
We are also having a recession xmas. We are so "recessioned" that Mum can't even replace her pakaru camera. So no recent pics guys, sorry. Here's a couple of the wedding that we stole off facebook.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November bdays and Lennox's bday

Here are the November bdays....
2nd- Tarnz is 41
5th- Mum flies home
7th- Taruia is 13
22nd- Kelly will be 10
Not long till Xmas now whanau. No doubt I'll have way better pics in next weeks blog.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
October bdays
3rd- Sausage sizzle fundraiser at the plaza and Uncle Alex's 30th at the races.
5th- back to school for the boys
7th- Uncle Boudi will be 26
10th- Peka and Toni
12th- Tina and Dad starts his new job
20th- Uncle Whati
21st- Uncle Mike and Heath
22nd- Jack turns 1( is that right Hapu??)
30th- Big Lennox king turns 6
Not much else doing over here in Brisvegas. Going to the movies tomorrow. Mmmm choc top dipped in popcorn.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Boring school holidays

Thursday, September 17, 2009
Just stuff

Lennox had a school trip to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary last week. His fave part of the day was hand feeding the kangaroos cause it was ticklish. But then he didn't like it cause "their goobies are smelly". Mum didn't get to go on the trip, so no pics of that one either. But here's another random pic of Lennox because he loves having photos at home.
And for some random reason this pic won't move where I want it to so here is Veek doing his shot put throw.
Friday, August 28, 2009
September bdays
1st- Miss Kerihaehae is turning 6

Both boys did well in their spellathon and raised $226 for their school. Well done boys.
Next week Nivek is competing in his shotput finals so hopefully he does well and tries his best. Mum and Dad are stoked to have another day off mahi for this day lol.
And here's a pic of Lennox cause he's watching me type and is jealous that there's none of him yet......

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
August birthdays
11th- Uncle Sam
17th- Uncle AJ and Aunty Corrine
19th- Mama and Summer
28th- Papa Willie
And FYI Kylah is still not born yet but was due on the 5th of august. Waiting waiting........
Veek carved up at the Lytton Districts athletics day and made it through to the Metropolitian Easts competition for shot put. That's all happening on the 3rd of september so I'll keep you all posted.
Spellathon this week and I was wondering how Lennox was gonna participate seeming as he can't spelll or read much yet. He has to recognise 10 letters of the alphabet for his spellathon effort. Veek has to spell 100 words. Good luck boys.
Dad is on graveyard shift now 10pm -630 and Mum is on 710- 330. Quite different having Dad home at night.
Anywho more news later........
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Big catch up blog

Uncle AJ and Aunty Hana came to visit last week. Lil Kylah is due any day now and we're so excited. Here's a pic of Aunty at 39 weeks.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Our trip home

Nana Diane, Veek, Nan, Mum and Lennox
Monday, May 18, 2009
What's new????
Lennox and Nivek started karate last week. They really enjoy it even though they are a bit unco. It goes for a hour and so far Lennox has only lasted 45 minutes but sensei Walter said that's really good for a 5 year old.
Veek's team has been carving up every sunday. He's scored 18 tries so far this season. He has a deal with Koro Hec to earn back his footy boots at $5 per try. So far he's earnt $90 worth of his boots and has to score 14 more tries to pay them off.
Still on the footy buzz, Veek scored his first try for his school team last friday. He was pretty stoked to score against them other big boys. Not so out of his league after all.
The boys teachers are having a strike tomorrow so we're going to movie world for the day. We asked Caleb to come along too so it should be a fun day as long as it doesn't rain.
10 more days till we fly home. Can't wait to eat the food but we're not looking forward to the cold. Over here in Brizzy we're still enjoying 25-28 degree days lol.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
May bdays and what's happening
2nd- Going to Aunty Christina's for the weekend
4th- Aunty Waiora and day off mahi for Mum and Dad
15th-Deacon turns 2
16th- Katrina's housewarming
25th- R.I.P Izire
26th- Dad and Damo
27th- Aunty Hario
29th- We fly home for 2 weeks
30th- Nan is babysitting the boys
31st- Mum will be hungover lol
And last but not least a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR COUSIN CHLOE!!!! We will ring tomorrow after school. Love you heaps xoxoxox
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter weekend

The boys have been on holiday this week and have been attending the vacation care program. Today they went to the monsters vs aliens movie. On friday they're going to bowling and on friday night Lennox is going to his 1st disco with his school mates.
Lennox lost his 2nd tooth last week and despite the recession he still cleaned up with the tooth fairy. Lucky boy.
The countdown continues to our trip home. 43 days to go. Yay!! Can't wait to eat all that food.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
April bdays
8th- Thomas turns 1
9th- school holidays begin
17th- Nan's bday and Nana Diane's anniversary
21st- back to kura for the boys
23rd- Caleb
26th- Nana Kim
Veek played Browns Plains this week and wasted them 40-0. Veek scored 2 tries this week. He also played his 1st game for his school on friday arvo. They lost to Wondall Heights 10-8. Mum was nervous on the sideline cause some of the kids had moustaches and were really tall. Veek didn't get a run but he put in some good tackles. Mum isn't used to Veeky being one of the smallest on the field. Hopefully he'll learn some valuable skills playing with older kids.
Lennox had a playdate with Marcello, Michael, Jessie and Jordan on saturday at their Grandma's house. Their Grandma Lynne made rewana bread. It was the bomb. Lennox had a ball and was all tuckered out when he got home. Lennox has dress up day at school on tuesday. He's going as Heatblast from Ben 10. We'll upload pics later.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Wynnum vs Beenleigh

Big ups to Veek's entourage who supports him every week. Dad, Mum, Lennox, Uncle Ene, Aunty Kylie, Uncle AJ, Aunty Hana, Nana Kim and Darren.
Let's go Broncos

Thursday, March 19, 2009
My sports star
He also got selected for the school league team. Trials were quite hard as he was competing against kids aged 9 to 12. He was the only grade 5 kid to be selected. All the rest of his team are grade 6 and 7 so he has to try really hard to keep up with their skills. The school league season starts in 2 weeks so we'll keep yall posted.
Also we only have 69 days to go till we fly home to NZ.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tooth fairy's in town

Speaking of Veek, he played Capalaba again yesterday. I'm not sure of the score but Veek got 4 tries. It was a really hot day so the boys did well to play in the heat. I'm pretty sure they won. Mum is the new manager so we have some fundraising to do now. Any ideas whanau??