Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November bdays and Lennox's bday

On Lennox's bday we went to his fave restaurant for dinner. Good old Buffet Gardens at Sunnybank. It's an all you can eat place and I'm not sure why it's his fave cause he always just gets hot chips and gravy. Anywho Uncle Hec and Aunty Sam came and brought beautiful lil Retimana with them. He's getting really big now and is so alert.
                                                         Look at his pretty eyes. Sooooo cute.

Aunty Miss, Uncle Julian and Te Kauri also came but we didn't get many pics of Te Kauri as he was too busy laughing at Dad who was trying to scare him with a prawn. Aunty Tilly came to dinner with miss Kylah - Jane. She's too cute for words too.

Lennox got stacks of prezzies and heaps of cash. He hasn't spent any of it yet but I think he's saving to get a PSP.

On Saturday he had a bowling party with his school bros and cuzzy Que. He had heaps of fun there and Mum was stoked to leave all the mess behind and go home.

Here are the November bdays....
2nd- Tarnz is 41
5th- Mum flies home
7th- Taruia is 13
11th- Izire turns 2 and Mum comes back from NZ
13th- Que turns 8
16th- Neriah(9) and Mya(3)
19th- Big sonny boi Veeks turns 10
22nd- Kelly will be 10
25th- Aunty Lynda May
30th- Aunty Kylie

Not long till Xmas now whanau. No doubt I'll have way better pics in next weeks blog.