Thursday, August 23, 2007

Aunty Ray Ray's birthday

Recently it was Aunty Ray's birthday. She had a rugby themed party because her party was on the same night as the Bledisloe Cup. Mum bought her an All Blacks birthday cake and kiwi balloons. We got aunty an All Blacks jumper for her present. All the guests had to dress in full footy gears. Mum went as a NSW origin player with her jumper, footy shorts and footy socks. Mum put tape around her head to look authentic but Veek thought she looked like a loser lol. 1. because of the tape around the head and 2. because she wore jandals with the footy socks hahaha. It was the best party. There were lots of teams represented and one girl came as a ref.

It was a girls only party but our mate Damo wanted to come so we made him wear a dress to be a girl. Hence the reason he's wearing a ball gown lol. Good times good times.

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