Saturday, December 13, 2008

December stuff

Well we haven't been doing much lately cause it's too friggin hot. 35 degrees = stay home under the fan.
But anyways Aunty Christina arrived this morning. She's gonna be living in Brizzy now with her Mum in Ipswich. It's mega hot there. They will probably be moving closer to our place in the next month or so. It was the last day of school on friday. Veek is very excited about the holidays as the boys will be going to Nan's on boxing day for a few weeks. The boys are counting down to that, more then xmas!! Xmas is gonna be a low key affair this year. Soooo poor lol.
We went to visit Loy the other day. She has lost all her hair from the radiation treatment but she is still in high spirits. Fingers crossed she makes it to xmas. That's her personal goal cause she's bought a big massive xmas tree and has decked her house out with all the xmas lights ever. She's at home on the weekend then back to hospital monday to friday. Here's a pic of her and Livi.

Mum has lost 2.4 kilos so far doing the shred workout. No dieting yet just strictly excercising. Got a bit more work to do yet.

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