Monday, March 2, 2009

March bdays

Here's our whanau bdays and some other random stuff for march 09.
2nd- Uncle Aaron's bday. Mum's guess is 32 or 33
3rd- Katty's triplets Jessie, Jordan and Michael turn 4
7th- Kids going to Koro's for the weekend. Yay says Mum
11th- Kevin Rudd's stimulus package begins lol. Chi ching!!
13th- Uncle Justin's bday
14th- Katrina turns 31
15th- Aunty Klarn turns 30
16th- Jessie Rose turns 4
22nd- Marcello turns 6
23rd- Te Kauri turns 1 and Aunty Polly will be 31
30th- Joey's bday
What else is happening in Brizzy?? We had a bbq on the weekend with Uncle Ene, Aunty Kylie, Uncle AJ and Aunty Hana. Aunty Hana is 20 weeks preggers now. She asked Mum and Aunty Kylie to organise her baby shower. They don't know whether they're having a boy or girl but they do want to call the baby something beginning with K. Any ideas whanau??? Here's some pics of us at the pub

Shameful as I know!!!

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