Friday, August 20, 2010

19 days to go

Today's weather in Brizzy was the pits. Heaps of rain and cold too. Nothing like the sweet 28 degree day we had yesterday.
Tonight Isaiah is staying at our place with Lennox and Nivek has gone to stay with Elliot. Lots of sleepovers this week. Nice and peaceful without my boys fighting.
Tomorrow we are getting Lennox's trousers for the wedding altered as they are size 12 and much too long. Nivek still doesn't have a shirt to wear......fussy lil punk lol.
OMG today I realised that Lennox's passport expires next week so better do something about that tomorrow. For some reason I thought it expired in october. WTF thought I would've learnt my lesson last month when I was stranded and made a last minute dash to Sydney. Lucky Lennox is an Ozzy so it should be easy and faster to get the passport.
Here's my skux guy in his wedding suit. 1 white sock 1 black one lmao

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